Acne is not something that is reserved just for younger people. It is a condition that can affect anyone of any age, and the best treatment for acne is one that addresses the causes of the condition. Skin creams and ointments attempt to attack the problem, but many can fall short. The best acne treatment is one that targets the underlying causes and delivers the best results. Laser treatment for acne is the latest process available, and it is proving to be a very effective solution.
What Is Acne?
When you go to a dermatologist for acne treatments, they will always try to recommend solutions that address the core problem. Acne is formed when the pores and hair follicles in the body get clogged with dead skin cells and other materials.
The hair follicles are most common because they secrete a substance called sebum, which keeps the skin and hair soft and moist. But when the follicles get clogged with sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells, they grow to form acne. The most serious forms of acne are referred to as cysts, and they can get as large as a quarter.
Whiteheads occur when all of that material is trapped just below the skin's surface and can be seen through the thinnest layer of the skin. Blackheads are caused when the air oxidizes the materials secreted by the glands. It is important to note that people with larger pores sometimes get more blackheads because that is just the way their skin looks. But in many people, blackheads are acne.
What Causes Acne?
When the human body reaches puberty, the amount of sebum being produced increases. This occurs more in males than in females, which is why acne is more of a problem for young males. The rate of sebum production overwhelms the follicles and glands, and acne occurs all over the body.
Some people are simply born with larger sebaceous glands than others, and their acne will be a lifelong struggle for them. Instead of the sebum issue calming down as the individual gets out of their teens, the problem continues for the rest of their lives.
People who do not bathe regularly will also see more instances of acne. Bathing removes many of the dead skin cells and bacteria that contribute to the growth of acne, which means that not bathing on a regular basis gives your pores and follicles more materials to use to create acne.
What Is Laser Acne Treatment?
The best acne treatment attacks the issue at the source, and that is what laser acne treatment offers. With laser treatment, Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL) is applied to the skin and kills existing bacteria. The IPLT can also kill excess pigmentation cells which can create blackheads and cause scars.
Laser acne treatment also helps to decrease the size of the sebaceous glands in pores and follicles, which would decrease the amount of sebum that is produced. With the bacteria cells gone and the amount of sebum reduced, the patient will see existing acne removed and a significant reduction in the amount of new acne that is formed. As a bonus, the scars associated with more intense acne formations are also eliminated for good.
Miami Skin Dr. Wants You To Try A Laser Acne Treatment
Miami Skin Dr. wants to be your dermatologist for acne laser treatments, and they are offering a special discount to help people experience laser treatments for the first time. Patients can purchase three laser treatments at a price discounted from $175 per treatment to $129, and then get the fourth treatment for 50% off. Now is the time to see how Miami Skin Dr. can help your acne problem using the latest technology that gets documented results.