What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a type of skin therapy for patients looking to remove hair from a part of their body permanently using Intense Pulsed Light or IPL. Over the course of four to six treatments, the laser procedure will begin to slow down the growth of hair until it eventually stops completely. Patients may seek laser hair removal if they have abnormal hair growth or simply want to reduce time spent shaving in their daily lives.
How does laser hair removal work?
As we mentioned earlier, laser hair removal uses intense pulsed light to slowly eliminate hair growth on various regions of the body. Hair follicles are destroyed wherever the laser hits on the skin, eventually leaving no follicles left behind to regrow hair in the future after a sufficient amount of treatments. The light from the laser beam is attracted to the darker pigments of hair much like the sun is attracted to darker clothing. As a result, laser hair removal treatments are most effective on people with fair complexions and dark, coarse hair. It is not required that you have this type of complexion and hair color in order to receive the procedure, however. Most people are qualified candidates for laser hair removal regardless, and, after adequate session time, can permanently stop areas of hair growth on their bodies as well. The laser itself has a tolerable level of pain associated with its use; with most patients reporting the sensation being similar to that of having a rubber band snapped on your skin. This is a vast improvement over the level of pain reported with other types of skin laser therapies in the past. Although the entire procedure will requires multiple sessions, results can be seen as early as the first treatment. With every return visit to your skin doctor, you will see less and less hair regrowth in the treated areas. This is good for patients who require some visual assurance that the process is working. It is important the patient finish all the treatments prescribed to them, and once completely finished, you can enjoy the freedom that comes with smooth skin all year long!
Why get laser hair removal?
Surprisingly enough, one of the most common reasons to get laser hair removal is actually saving money. Let’s face it, razors are not cheap, and over the course of a lifetime, the average consumer will spend thousands of dollars on them. Laser hair removal will eliminate ingrown hairs, bumps, and leave your skin permanently smooth. This saves time spent shaving, and time is money if you follow the old adage. Other patients will seek laser hair removal if they have pesky hair growing in areas on their body that are undesired. Some of the most common procedures performed are on the following: bikini line, arms, upper lip & face, legs, eyebrows, and torso.
Get Laser Hair Removal in Miami, FL
Let the professionals at Miami Skin Dr. handle your laser hair removal treatment. We have trained professionals standing by to ensure that your hair removal needs are met with the utmost safety and professionalism! Call us at 305-735-9474 or click here to schedule a free consultation today.