Lawrence A. Schiffman, D.O., FAOCD - Board Certified Dermatologist

Lawrence A. Schiffman, D.O., FAOCD - Board Certified Dermatologist


Forever Young: 7 Benefits of Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Published May 6th, 2020 by Thepracticeagency

If the idea of lasers pointed at your skin frightens you away from the concept of laser skin rejuvenation, we hope to ease those fears! Skin rejuvenation techniques are an excellent way to find your face's more youthful appearance underneath years of aging. 

Rejuvenation helps reverse the appearance of lines, wrinkles, scars from adult acne, and other factors that make us appear older. When you see the difference it makes, your dermatologist's skin-renewing techniques are worthwhile.

It's not torture—it's a therapy for your skin! Here are seven benefits of laser skin rejuvenation. 

1. You'll Look Younger

Your skin can "age" you beyond your real age. If you've spent a lifetime not worried about skincare, you could look much older than you really are! 

It's never too late to turn back the clock on how old your skin looks. Laser skin therapy helps fight the appearance of some of the telltale signs of aging. Dark spots, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles come with aging, but that doesn't mean you have to live with it!

Laser skin rejuvenation helps you look younger by:

  • Reducing the size of your pores
  • Creating even skin tone
  • Improving skin texture
  • Bringing your younger, healthier skin to the surface
  • Reduce the appearance of acne scars and other dark spots
  • Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles

2. Deep Cleaning

Think baby skin or young children. Their skin has a pure appearance that keeps them looking younger than those of us with aging skin. 

No matter how strict you are with your face cleansing routine, sometimes you can't clean away dirt trapped in pores or small wrinkles. Your pores cling to dirt that can age the appearance of your face. 

Laser therapy can help deep clean those areas that even the best facial cleansers can't treat. During a treatment, the laser removes the top, very thin layer of skin where dirt and grime can accumulate. With continued therapy, your skin's surface becomes youthful and pure again.

3. It's Not Surgery

One of the best perks of laser skin treatment is the minimally invasive technique! Your skin won't require much downtime to heal and return to your normal skincare and cosmetic routines. 

The laser doesn't cut or slice into your skin. It's a safer treatment with minimal risks to maintaining a more youthful appearance. Some patients minor discomfort during the procedure. Side effects include some redness and swelling. 

However, within a few days, your face shines brighter (and younger) without the prolonged effects caused by facial restructuring surgery. 

4. Boost Collagen Production

This might not sound like a benefit, but it is. When your aging skin begins producing more collagen, your skin can retain a more youthful appearance longer.

As we age, our skin loses collagen. When our body stops producing as much collagen, our skin loses elasticity. The elasticity in our skin is what keeps wrinkles away. 

Laser skin therapy helps trigger your skin to begin producing more of the vital collagen we need for our skin to stay firm and form fewer wrinkles. 

5. It's Cost-Effective

We already mentioned that this kind of therapy isn't surgery. It's also not expensive as some face reconstructive surgeries and other procedures to prolong the signs of aging. 

Your dermatologist handles each therapy session, which means you aren't paying for a surgeon, anesthesia, or after-care. Laser skin rejuvenation therapy takes place during an office visit and is an affordable way to help find your youthful look again!

6. You'll Still Look Like You

If you're hesitant to try laser skin therapies because you're afraid of what you'll look like afterward, there's no reason to hesitate! Because the procedure isn't a facelift or surgery, you don't have to worry that you'll lose "you" during your treatments. 

This type of therapy is one of the best ways to anti-age without changing the structure of your face. You won't regret laser therapies like you might if you experience a botched facelift or plastic surgery that doesn't turn out the way you hoped after you heal. 

Skin rejuvenation takes a minimal approach for big results! Our lasers burn away skin damaged by the sun or the effects of aging. The process helps encourage new skin cell growth to replace your aging skin.

The results are a more youthful appearance—not a new face that you can't recognize. You might notice that you start looking like you did a few years ago. It's a subtle way to keep the effects of time under control and look as young as you feel.

7. It Lasts

Some skin and face procedures require frequent updates to maintain the changes you want to achieve. If you choose creams or lotions to help your skin look younger, the effects can stop when you stop using the products.

Laser skin therapies last! When the treatments successfully erase acne scars or sun damage, it doesn't come back. New skin replaces the damaged skin, which means you don't need ongoing treatment to keep the same scars or damage away. 

We can't promise you'll always feel as young as you'll look after you laser skin treatments, but you'll be pleased with the permanent effects of laser resurfacing when you see yourself in the mirror every day.

Choose Youth With Laser Skin Rejuvenation

We can't make you "truly" younger, but we can help your skin look more youthful. The experienced dermatologists at Miami Skin Dr. can help you with the right laser skin rejuvenation treatments to help you resemble yourself at a younger age. 

We'll coach you through how the treatment works and what to do to prepare for your therapy session. We also follow up with our patients to make sure you love your results! Contact us with any questions you have about this quick and safe procedure or to book your appointment.

A Brief Guide to Kybella Injections

Published April 22nd, 2020 by Thepracticeagency

You’ve been working out and eating healthy, and seeing great results. Everywhere, that is, except for your chin.

Sometimes, the dreaded double chin just won’t go away, no matter how much we focus on diet and exercise.

Is there anything that can be done?

Yes, an effective and impressive new drug, Kybella, entered the market with FDA approval in 2015 and has been growing in popularity with cosmetic patients and doctors ever since. This game-changing drug works to dissolve fat, getting rid of stubborn fat from unwanted places, such as the chin.

Read on to learn how Kybella injections can help you reach your cosmetic goals safely and effectively.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is a non-surgical injectable treatment. It is designed to permanently destroy unwanted fat cells when injected into the region of the body where the fat cells are.

The main ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, an acid that is found naturally in the human body. It has the ability to absorb and break down fat cells, making it an incredibly useful tool for cosmetic medicine.

Kybella is one of the many popular treatments in the field of cosmetic medicine. From anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, and other non-invasive procedures, injectable use has increased by 39% in the past five years in the US. They are part of a growing field of cosmetic medicine that is safe, effective, and requires little to no recovery time.

What Are Kybella Injections?

Kybella injections are a cosmetic procedure for destroying unwanted fat cells. They are administered by a trained doctor or medical professional into the specific areas of the body that the patient wants to target for fat loss. Although it is most commonly used for the area of fat under the chin, it is also used on the bra line area, or the jowls or jawline. When used in the chin, Kybella creates an improved and more defined facial profile.

Often, fat pockets can be genetic, making them very hard to get rid of by diet or exercise. Kybella is a fantastic option for removing this kind of fat.

During the procedure, Kybella is injected by a Kybella-trained medical professional in small doses. Depending on the desired results and the area being injected, multiple injections may be needed. For best results, be very clear with your doctor about your desired aesthetic, so that you will be happy with the outcome. The number of treatments needed will be decided by your doctor after the initial consultation.

Because it is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure with little downtime, Kybella is a great alternative to liposuction.

Injections usually take less than thirty minutes, and patients may need multiple injections, each up to one month apart.

What Should I Know Beforehand?

First, speak to a qualified doctor about your needs and what sort of results you are looking for. A doctor can address your needs, your medical history, and your budget to determine if this drug is right for you.

It is important to be honest with your doctor about your medical history before having Kybella. Let your doctor know if you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, if you are on blood-thinning medicine, if you’re breastfeeding, or if you’ve ever had trouble swallowing. Also mention any previous cosmetic procedures, surgeries, or medical issues you’ve had concerning the area of injection.

You should also mention any medication you are currently taking, both prescription and over the counter.

Are There Any Side Effects?

For most patients, Kybella is well tolerated, but there can be side effects. This is true for any drug or treatment. Your doctor should always talk these through with you before beginning any treatments.

Common side effects from Kybella can include swelling, redness, pain, and bruising, but are generally short-lasting.

Kybella should not be used by anyone under 18 or anyone with an infection in the injection area. If you have any concerns about side effects or pre-existing conditions, talk to your doctor before beginning this treatment.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

After your treatment, you’re no doubt eager to see the results. Kybella patients generally see the most dramatic results at 4-6 weeks post treatment. However, as you may require multiple treatment sessions, one month apart, and the final results will not be visible until you complete your final treatment.

How long will your results last? One of the great things about Kybella is that it works by destroying fat cells. Once the fat cells are gone, they can no longer store fat. This means, for most people, the results will be permanent, with no additional treatments needed.

What Do I Need to Do After My Procedure?

After your Kybella injections, there are a few steps you should take to ensure your body gets the best possible results from the procedure.

While there is no downtime, and patients can return to their normal routine and daily activities, you should still take care to avoid pressing or rubbing on the injection site afterward. Also avoid heavy makeup on the area that day and try to also avoid alcohol for a few days. It can act as a blood thinner, making the injection site more likely to bruise.

If you’re worried about swelling after the procedure, you may want to bring a scarf to your appointment, to wear as a cover.

After your treatment, if you notice anything unusual, such as difficulty swallowing, contact your doctor right away.

There are many advantages to having Kybella, so we hope you enjoy your new look! Kybella offers patients a more youthful and refreshed looking appearance, which is great for self-esteem and body confidence.

Learn More

If you’re ready to book your Kybella injections, contact us with any questions or book an appointment online with a trained professional who is qualified to treat patients with Kybella. We are here to help and look forward to your consultation.

Feel better, younger, and more confident with Kybella- get started today!

7 Underlying Causes of Adult Acne

Published February 26th, 2020 by Thepracticeagency

Acne’s commonly seen as a teenage problem.

Oily skin, clogged pores, and inflamed facial breakouts are never ideal.

However, the struggles cease as those troublesome teenage years are left behind and you enter adulthood…Right?


In reality, acne is the bane of many adult lives too. Indeed, up to 55% of people between 20 and 40 years old suffer from at least low-level adult acne.

The common belief that acne’s a teenage ailment causes further complications. Adults who suffer from it can experience even greater levels of stress and shame.

Are you struggling with an adult resurgence of long-forgotten acne? Do you want to know the reasons behind it in order to find a solution to the problem?

Let us help.

Read on to learn 7 primary causes of acne in adulthood.

1. Clogged Pores

Any discussion about the etiology of acne is incomplete without mentioning pores.

You’ve almost certainly heard of them before. These tiny openings around the hair follicles on your skin can cause all sorts of problems when they get clogged.

Now, the glands you find in each pore naturally release oil (sometimes referred to as sebum).

In theory, the oil actually helps protect your skin and keeps it feeling nice and soft!

The trouble is that it can also cause pimples when too much of it is created. Throw dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells into the mix and you’ve got a recipe for trouble. These all end up clogging your pores, which leads to skin problems such as acne.

In some instances, then, the solution to adult acne is basic skin-cleansing processes. Keeping your skin clean and exfoliated should unclog pores and reduce the chance of breakouts.

2. Rising Stress Levels

Nobody in the world would struggle with acne if clearing it was as simple as exfoliating!

For many people, there’s usually more going on behind the scenes.

Stress, for example, might be the true cause of the problem.

Now, we all get stressed at various times in life. But excess stress levels can have a host of negative repercussions. Acne is one instance of an ailment that worsens with stress.

Cortisol is at the heart of the problem. This so-called stress hormone interacts with your bodily processes and can cause skin conditions to get worse.

Limiting your exposure to stress, then, might represent the solution to your adult acne.

3. Hormonal Changes

Hormones are another common complicating factor behind acne.

Indeed, they’re the root cause of many a problem in life! It just so happens that they can also be behind any recent influx of acne.

Progesterone, in particular, can be the culprit.


Because increases in progesterone are known to increase the production of sebum.

For instance, people often notice worsening symptoms of acne on their period, when pregnant, taking hormonal birth control, or going through menopause. The (possible) reason? Because progesterone production is known to increase at these times.

4. Oily Products

Think about all of the healthcare lotions, potions and products you use each day.

There’s a chance they might be responsible for your flare-up of acne.

Many people fail to realize that their skin and hair-care products, for instance, contain oil.

The addition of oil to skin that’s predisposed to excess sebum production is understandably problematic. For teens and adults alike, then, avoiding these products is a sure-fire way to see acne improvements.

Pores are more likely to remain unclogged, which should improve the situation.

Noncomedogenic is the technical term for oil-free products. Stick to lotions, creams, moisturizers, face-washes, and so on, of this nature and you’ll reap the rewards.

5. Over-Washing

As we’ve seen, clogged pores are at the heart of any acne flare-ups.

For this reason, many people assume (correctly) that staying clean is key to fighting it. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to ‘over-clean’.

Desperate to get rid of their acne, some people cleanse and exfoliate as often as possible.

They might scrub their faces vigorously, use powerful skin-care products, and do so multiple times a day. Sadly, this approach can actually backfire.

Skin gets too dry and starts creating extra oil in order to compensate for what it’s lost. Pores end up more clogged; pre-existing inflammation can become even more aggravated by the harsh treatment.

Now, everybody’s skin is different, which means you need to find what works for you. In general, though, washing once a day with a gentle chemical exfoliant should suffice.

6. The Environment

We’re always hearing about the negative impact of humans on the environment.

In terms of adult acne, though, it’s the environment that can potentially impact us. That’s right, pollution in the atmosphere is another possible cause of acne (especially in cities).

Dirt, fumes, smog, and exposure to the sun all combine to clog your pores. You essentially end up with a layer of pollution on your face! Make sure you get rid of that grime build-up to allay the onset of acne.

Think about wearing sunscreen whenever possible too. Why? Because harmful UV rays are another possible contributor to acne. Better still, you protect the skin of your face more generally as well.

7. Your Diet

In scientific terms, the jury’s out on the impact of diet on acne.

Yet many people swear that the food they eat has an effect on it.

It’s common to hear that oily foods such as pizzas, burgers, and fries are to blame for outbreaks. However, everything from chocolate to caffeine is also held accountable on occasion.

The key is to track the food and drink that seem to trigger your acne. Monitor their effects and consider cutting them out if the evidence is compelling. Of course, speak with your GP first before making any significant dietary changes.

Time to Tackle Adult Acne

Contrary to popular opinion, acne isn’t the reserve of teenagers.

In reality, adult acne is incredibly common too. This oft-distressing ailment affects millions of people around the world. Are you one of them?

Hopefully, this article will help you identify its cause(s) and take steps to address the problem. Are you in Miami and looking for professional skin support?

Contact us today to see how we can be of service.

An Ounce of Prevention: 8 Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

Published January 20th, 2020 by Thepracticeagency

We all want healthy, glowing skin, that is free of sun damage, many of us also love the sun. The warm feeling on your skin combined with the energy it gives us. It’s no surprise that people love being outdoors, enjoying a warm, sunny day.

Unfortunately, the sun can also cause harmful skin damage and even skin cancer if we aren’t careful.

While it isn’t always possible to prevent cancer, there are certain sun precautions we can take and prevention methods that can keep damage to a minimum while soaking up the sun.

This guide has eight ways to prevent skin cancer and still be able to enjoy the outdoors.

Apply Sunscreen

While no one can say for certain how to prevent skin cancer completely, doctors can say with certainty that applying sunscreen is a must when you are spending time in the sun,

Applying sunscreen doesn’t just mean putting a little on in the morning before going out into the sun either.

In order to keep your skin safe from harmful sun damage and sunburn, you need to apply at least one ounce of sunscreen to fully cover yourself about 15 minutes before going outside to be properly protected according to the American Academy of Dermatology

You also need to reapply sunscreen every two hours. Don’t forget to put it on again after sweating or getting out of the water as well.

Always try and use a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher as well. Remember to apply sunscreen to the top of your feet, your head, neck, and your ears. The back of your hands tends to get forgotten as well.

Wear Protective Clothing

When you’re outdoors and in the sun, wearing protective clothing is a must. Wearing protective clothing can help you keep the sun off of your arms, legs, and face. Protective clothing includes rash guards with UV protection, hats, long sleeves, pants, and sunglasses.

If you will be outdoors walking, hiking, or running, even if it is hot out, you’ll want to cover your skin in a breathable material that will protect you from the sun’s harmful rays.

Wear sunglasses as well to protect your eyes. If your feet will be exposed, cover those with closed-toed shoes when hiking to avoid a painful sunburn on your feet.

Stick to the Shade

When you’re planning on being outdoors and in the sun, try and seek some shelter from the sun when you can. If shade is available, take it at least part of the time.

If you’re looking to hit the pool or the beach, try and bring an umbrella or use one if they are available.

Being in the shade means you’re covered from being directly in the sun and the shade will keep you better protected.

Wear a Hat

Hats can do wonders to protect you from the sun. Not only will a hat protect your eyes but it will also protect your scalp and your face.

Men especially are prone to sunburn on the top of their heads and back of their necks if they don’t have hair to protect them.

When you’re out in the sun, wear a protective hat that has a wide enough brim to keep your face and neck covered.

Avoid Tanning Beds

Tanning beds are just asking for trouble. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, there is absolutely nothing safe about tanning. 

In fact, just one visit to a tanning bed increases your risk for melanoma by 75% before the age of 35. No tan is worth that percentage. Stick to lotions, sprays, and make-up for a sun-kissed look without the risk for cancer.

Don’t Get a Sunburn

Getting sunburn is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. To avoid getting a sunburn, make sure you wear sunscreen and always reapply. Wear a hat, try and get some shade and wear protective clothing when you can.

Once you are sunburnt the damage is already done and it will be too late. You'll want to see a doctor if you're suffering from a serious sunburn. 

Remember to Protect Your Lips

Skin cancer can also start to form on your mouth and lips. To protect yourself from getting skin cancer on your lips, apply chapstick, lip balm, or lipstick that has sunscreen.

Look for a lip product that has an SPF of 15 or higher for the best protection. Make sure you always reply as well and carry it with you on days at the pool or hiking in the sun.

Keep Newborns and Kids out of the Sun

Kids, babies, and especially newborns should be kept out of direct sunlight. While you’re not going to keep your five-year-old out of the sun, your five-day-old should never be exposed to direct sunlight.

To help keep your little ones protected, make sure you cover them in sunscreen and reply often. Every time your kiddo gets out of the water, lather them up again.

If possible, keep your kids under an umbrella or in the shade. Make sure your kids and babies wear hats in the sun and protective clothing whenever possible.

Swimsuits with built-in rash guards are extremely helpful in protecting your kids. There are also rash guard shirts that can be worn over swimsuits.

Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

Knowing how to prevent skin cancer is the first step to reducing your risk. While the sun is a vital mood and energy booster, spending too much time out in the sun without protection can be dangerous.

Make sure to get your annual skin cancer screening to test for damage and signs of skin cancer each year. 

Knowing how to avoid skin cancer and how to prevent melanoma starts with sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen and making sure you reapply is key.

From there, staying in the shade and wearing a hat, protective clothing, and lip protection can go a long way to helping protect your body, eyes, and lips.

If you’d like to speak with a professional board-certified dermatologist about skin damage, or any concerning skin condition, book an appointment online to help keep you and your skin healthy and protected.

How Often Should You Get Botox Injections?

Published January 8th, 2020 by Thepracticeagency

Are you wondering how often should you get Botox? If yes, you should click here for some important things to understand about Botox.

For Patients