Lawrence A. Schiffman, D.O., FAOCD - Board Certified Dermatologist

Lawrence A. Schiffman, D.O., FAOCD - Board Certified Dermatologist


Anti-Aging Strategies: How to Stimulate Collagen Production

Published January 4th, 2022 by Thepracticeagency

Is your skin beginning to lose some of its natural plumpness? Are you wondering how you can maintain youthful skin into your 40s, 50s, and beyond?

Believe it or not, our collagen production decreases by about 1% each year after you turn 20. This means that your skin may begin to appear thinner and looser, eventually resulting in sagging and wrinkles.

This is not something that most of us look forward to! Yet there is hope for those who want to look as though we are drinking from the fountain of youth.

Here's how to stimulate collagen production and look years younger no matter how old you are.

Your Skin Diet

Collagen is a protein found in your connective tissue that helps provide structure and elasticity. It's involved in the growth of our skin, hair, and bones, as well as our skin.

Eating collagen can help to boost collagen production and provide your body with an excellent source of protein. 

One very popular source of collagen is bone broth. It's made from simmering animal bones in water, and it can be a wonderful source of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients. You can make it by obtaining bones from your local butcher and seasoning it with spices.

Chicken is another excellent source of collagen, particularly when the meat is extracted from the neck and cartilage. Chicken soup is a popular way to extra the best parts.

Fish has bones and ligaments made of collagen, making it easy for your body to absorb. Options like cod, herring, and salmon are excellent sources.

You don't have to be a cooking expert to prepare the right way. Grilling it with a little olive oil and lemon juice is a low-calorie, protein-packed way to energize your day!

You may have heard that eggs are a great way to start your morning. They consistently raise your "good" cholesterol levels, which can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Eggs are also, however, a good source of proline, which is an amino acid that helps in collagen production. You can prepare eggs poached or boiled for minimal calories, or scramble them for a little extra texture.

Fans of oranges will also be happy to learn that Vitamin C plays a critical role in the production of pro-collagen. Enjoy oranges and grapefruit with your favorite cereal or juice. Berries can also provide an even bigger Vitamin C boost than citrus. 

Antioxidants And Retinol

Antioxidants naturally help our skin fight against the oxidative stress caused by free radicals. You can find it in foods like green tea and dark chocolate, but you can also look for it in your nightly serum. Your serum can also soothe sensitive skin and protect it from damage.

Another ingredient you may want to look for in your serum is retinol. This is Vitamin A-derived and known to boost collagen levels in your skin. This can also be found in moisturizers and foods like liver and salmon.


Believe it or not, Botox treatments are believed to boost the production of elastin and collagen. It can create a natural fullness that makes you look younger.

Besides smoothing out wrinkles and making you look more youthful, Botox can stop migraines, relieve muscle tension, and reduce joint pain. If you're interested, it's worth taking the time to find a specialist in your neighborhood.

Derma Fillers

You can also boost your skin's collagen production with derma fillers. They contain hyaluronic acid, which can increase your skin's retention of moisture. 

Derma fillers provide immediate results, so you'll start noticing benefits soon after your treatment is over. They provide subtle and natural-looking results that will last.

Derma fillers will make your skin look more youthful and less wrinkled. If you're serious about looking young, you'll want to ask your specialist about their benefits.

Chemical Peels

You may have heard of a chemical peel, which you can get at your local medical day spa. These can stimulate collagen and elastin production, which can enhance the results of the treatment.

Beyond adding collagen to your skin, a chemical peel can minimize pores, lift your skin, and fade discoloration. It can also smooth your skin out and balance its texture. If you're looking for a serious confidence boost, look into how a chemical peel would work for you. 

Kybella Injections

Kybella injections break up and dissolve fat through tiny injections under the skin. As the fat cells break apart over several weeks, the body's healing will stimulate collagen production.

Kybella injections provide a subtle tightening of the skin as well as a more defined jawline. It's a great way to eliminate chin fat and provide a smoother, more youthful transition between the chin and neck. 

Kybella uses a natural acid found in the body. The treatment is minimally invasive and only takes between 15 and 20 minutes to complete. Furthermore, the results of a Kybella injection are designed to be permanent. 

If your appearance is important to you, it's worth it to ask for recommendations from local doctors for skin spas that can provide Kybella injections. Your confidence will be thanking you for years to come.

How To Stimulate Collagen Production

If you're wondering how to stimulate collagen production, you'll need to do a little research and consider adding some skin-friendly foods to your diet. You can also consider a number of products and treatments that will plump up your skin and have others guessing your age without much luck!

Don't stop getting smart about your skin now. For excellent treatments in your area, contact us today.

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